My 3 peaks schedule in 2023


Mount Meru (4,566m)

23rd to 28th


Climbing Mount Meru in Tanzania will be a challenging and rewarding adventure. It’s a dormant stratovolcano in Arusha National Park, about 70 kilometres (43 miles) west of Mount Kilimanjaro. This peak is the fifth-highest in Africa, meaning I’ll add another milestone to my hiking portfolio. 

This mountain has several distinct peaks, and the main one is the Socialist peak. It takes 3 to 4 days to complete this climb, depending on your chosen itinerary. As such, I will take three days.

I look forward to the stunning views of lush forests, moorlands, and other ecosystems that will make my climb visually captivating. I might also encounter species like colobus monkeys and giraffes.

December to March is one of the desirable hiking times because the region is drier then. I’ll use this climb to acclimatize before I summit Mount Kilimanjaro the following week.


Mount Kilimanjaro (5,895 m)

29th to 4th

November - December

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro is a unique opportunity to reach one of the tallest peaks in Africa, with its impressive height of 5,895 metres (19,341 feet) above sea level. This dormant stratovolcano has Kibo, Mawenzi, and Shira volcanic cones. 

The highest peak is Uhuru peak, on Kibo cone, and it’s every climber’s dream. Mawenzi is about the height of Mount Kenya, at 5,149 metres. It’s rugged, making it more technically challenging to climb.


Mount Kenya (5,199m)

7th to 12th


Although I have summitted Mount Kenya several times, each climb is a fresh adventure. I always have a surge of excitement thinking about my next expedition. This time, I am taking my younger brother, David, who hopes to celebrate his 10th birthday when we summit.