Hiking to Fund a School Bus: My Journey to Make a Difference

As I lace up my hiking boots and prepare for another adventure, I can’t help but feel a sense of purpose burning within me. This hike isn’t just about challenging myself physically; it’s about making a difference in the lives of those who need it most. Today, I want to share how I hiked to fund a school bus project and the lessons.

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The Spark of Inspiration

The idea of hiking to raise funds for a school bus started from my desire to help my schoolmates who couldn’t afford daily bus fare to use public transport. It was 2019, and some of the pupils at Lang’ata West Primary School walked miles every day, rain or shine, to access the education they deserved.

I felt hiking could be the key to making a significant impact. So, the idea of hiking to fund a school bus was born

The Plan

I started by researching the cost of purchasing and maintaining a school bus. My mom was helpful and always ready to guide me on this project. 

I also reached out to my long-time hiking guide, and together, we began planning a series of challenging hikes that we could use as fundraisers. We knew we needed to make these hikes exciting and inspiring to attract sponsors and donors.

The Hiking Journey

Our journey began with smaller, local hikes to build momentum and the attention of financiers. These hikes not only raised funds but also raised awareness about our cause. 

One of our most memorable hikes was a multi-day climb through the rugged, breathtaking wilderness of Mount Kenya.

The Impact

Over time, our fundraising efforts began to bear fruit. Nevertheless, we didn’t reach our goal and postponed a few events because we couldn’t raise enough funds to cover travel and hiking expenses.


This journey to fund a school bus through hiking was an eye-opener. It brought so much growth to my life as a mountain climber that I am always grateful to those who urged me on. Although we didn’t get a bus, and I completed my primary education at the school, I aspire to finish this project one day.